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The 4 types of intelligence-
The role of the 4 types of intelligence in the workplace

If a business wants to remain competitive it must continually innovate. Constant innovation means change. The “4 types of Intelligence” model helps managers navigate the stormy waters of change and manage change successfully.

“The businesses of today are so complex that their survival is threatened by an unexpected, competitive environment that is full of obstacles.
The survival of the companies depends on constantly enlisting every iota of their intelligence”. Konosuke Matsushita the founder of ‘Matsushita Electric’.

BI-Business Intelligence
The goal of business intelligence deployments is to support better business decision-making. Though the term business intelligence is sometimes a synonym for competitive intelligence (because they both support decision making), BI uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes while competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a focus on company competitors. If understood broadly, business intelligence can include the subset of competitive intelligence.] The key to thriving in a competitive marketplace is staying ahead of the competition. Making sound business decisions based on accurate and current information takes more than intuition. Data analysis, reporting, and query tools can help business users wade through a sea of data to synthesize valuable information from it - today these tools collectively fall into a category called "Business Intelligence."

PI – Political Intelligence
Mangers often feel that they are facing an invisible force beyond their control within the organization, which affects performance and results. Successful business leaders have the “know-how” of organizational politics. It helps them achieve business results while continuing to maintain solid relationships. Political intelligence breaks through restrictive thinking and provides means for assessing organizational politics and skills needed to help managers identify and understand the influence and power sources in the organization and as a result influence the organization’s political environment. The organizational politics stop being an obstacle when the managers learn to embrace and use organizational politics to achieve their goals.

EI - Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence at the workplace is the ability to effectively perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions in a professional and effective manner at work. (Palmer and Stough 2001)
EI consists of two layers:
Self- awareness of one’s emotional state and one’s abilities to manage his/her feelings and enlist them when necessary.
The ability to identify the emotional state of others, express empathy (as opposed to identification or ignoring the other), and the ability to maintain effective interpersonal relationships that support managerial conduct.

SI - Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual intelligence is about ones sources and inner roots and values. A manager with a significant level of spiritual intelligence has a vision and long-term insight and strives out of inner conviction to bring the future to the present. It’s very important to this manager that the organization and his/her employees assimilate his/her beliefs. His/her decision-making processes express his/her values. Such a manager is very aware of himself/herslef and strives especially in times of change, to act according to his/her values in order to “walk the talk”, lead processes effectively and cope with any objections that may arise.

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